For the past several years I’ve asked Legion members to come to the annual Remembrance Service at Tolmie Presbyterian Church, held on the Sunday before Remembrance Day. Branch 340 has paraded there for many decades. This year I’m asking my Comrades at the Legion NOT to come.
In all my years as a minister I’ve never done that – asking folks not to come to church, that is. Due to COVID restrictions however, capacity in the church is limited. These are strange times. The COVID-19 restrictions have messed up all areas of our lives and we long to get back to normal. However, all is not lost.
The Colour Party will be there along with other Legion members who are participating in the service. As your Chaplain, I will be leading the worship since our friend, Rev. Chuck Moon, who has welcomed us for years, has been called to another church.
I have asked Matthew Patterson to speak as one of our Afghanistan Veterans. He served with the Royal Canadian Regiment (RCR) when they were deployed there. This mission, and its aftermath, needs to take its place beside the traditional stories of sacrifice that we heard about on Remembrance Day.
The service from Tolmie will be taped and you will be able to watch it on You Tube or on the Tolmie web site, on Sunday evening November 7th, and anytime throughout the week.
We must not let the limitations of COVID-19 stop us from REMEMBERING those we lost and those who served. Take time to tune in.
Rev. Chuck Beaton,
Chaplain, Legion Branch 340