Sidewalk ball game at Hills means a big home-run for Lamont Sports Park

    Team play for Lamont Sports Park – Batters Box players (L-R) Michael Hills, Marylou Hills, Traci Blair and   Kristen McKenzie; Pitching is Councillor John Divinski to batter Louise Martin with Rob Campbell making the                                                              one-handed cheque catch (next to Divinski)

Team Lamont Sports Park continued its winning streak during a sidewalk game with Hills/CMR Insurance in Southampton.

Slugger Louise Martin lambasted a $5,000 pitch by Southampton Ward Councillor John Divinski and Team Lamont outfielder Rob Stanley made the incredible one-handed catch.

Cheering on in the batter’s box were Michael and Mary Lou Hills, Traci Blair and Kristen McKenzie.

  (L) Councillor John Divinski, Michael Hills of Hills Insurance         and Co-chair Lamont fundraising committee, Rob Stanley
‘Team Hills’ owners Mary Lou and Michael Hills


“We are thrilled to be able to help this wonderful sports park that will be an asset to physical fitness for all ages and the community,” said the Hills.

The donation means that they will be sponsor of number 11 of the 18 bleachers and will be recognized for several years.