The flora and fauna of Southampton comes alive in Spring

It is still officially Spring and, in Southampton, that means wildlife begins to meander through the yards of residents, particularly, near the wide forest tract at Bay and Albert Streets.

Mary Langdon captured a young doe peacefully grazing in her backyard which also has a stream running through it.  “Honestly, I quietly talked to her and she didn’t react at all.  She just looked at me with those big brown doe eyes and then slowly walked away.”

Then, in the early morning hours of June 11th, a neighbour’s video camera in their backyard captured a young visitor.  “This is Reginald the bear checking the delights of our bird feeder this morning,” says the owner.  “He is such an upstanding young bear I thought I would call him … Reginald.”  The owners say that in this past week they have had a family of Mallard ducks and a young fawn also visit in their yard.

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Southampton, with its quaint charm, continues to be a harbinger for wildlife in its still undeveloped tracts of land within in the settlement area of the community.

So, take down your bird feeders because the wildlife remembers where food is and they have a habit of coming at the same time of the day … much like humans at dinner time.

The area is also rich with colour as flora bursts into bloom.

          Royal purple lupins at Saugeen Golf Course – Jamie Stiles