35th annual Huron Shore Run a resounding success thanks to participants and volunteers

The 35th annual Huron Shore Run began in the early morning hours on June 3rd (2023) in Southampton (Saugeen Shores).

As usual, the morning began with warm-ups, first by the Saugeen Shores Lifesaving Club for the Kids Race and then by Holly Vanderzwet of Fitness Corner for the more ambitious participants.

This year’s run, walk or roll event began with the half marathon run along the Lake Huron shoreline from Southampton to Port Elgin and back again.

For those in tune with less long-distance running, there was the three, five and 10kilometre run, walk or roller-blade.  There was also a ‘special’ race for the very young that didn’t leave the main thorough-fare of High Street.

                                             Five, 10K and walkers head out

In total this year, more than 800 participants took part from as far away as Kingston, Guelph, Wingham, Markdale, Meaford and St. Mary’s to closer-to-home communities such as Shallow lake, Walkerton, Kincardine, Owen Sound, Mildmay, and Chatsworth and, of course, throughout Saugeen Shores.

While everyone completed the course they chose, some half-marathoners found it difficult at the finish line but thanks to St. John’s Ambulance, EMS paramedics were on hand to provide medical assistance as needed.




Following the run, participants gathered at the Southampton Coliseum for the award ceremony and refreshments at the Health and Wellness Fair hosted by the Huron Shore Run and the Town of Saugeen Shores.

                                                       Participants gathered for the awards

The awards were divided into several categories ranging from distance to age categories.

When it came to the half-marathon, a qualifier for marathons, the top male was Andrew House of Kitchener (1:18.26), followed by Oscar Siwiec of Hanover (1:23.51) and Darren Newman of Kincardine (1:28:57).


A Canadian ranked Marathoner Rachel Hannah came in first (File photo Saugeen Times)

In the women’s half-marathon, Rachel Hannah of Port Elgin placed 1st with a time of 1:21:04, followed by Janet Tufts of London (1:41:24) and Haileigh Hopkin, of Port Elgin (1:42:08).




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Funds raised this year will be divided between Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation, the new Grey Bruce Health Services Wellness and Treatment Centre for people with mental health and addiction problems, the Saugeen Shores Lifesaving Club (SSLC), the Saugeen Shores Track & Field Club (SSTFC) and the three Rotary Clubs in Saugeen Shores.

Without the volunteers, an event of this size would never take place.

 Even from the back, John and June Van Bastelaar, retired organizers and still   volunteers are easily recognizable






Times for each race, searchable by name, gender and age, are available at www.enfieldtiming.com.