At the recent Bruce County Historical Society (BCHS) presentation in Point Clark on August 25th in Point Clark ON., University of Michigan archaeologist Dr. John O’Shea explained the anthropological answer to the ‘split of Lake Huron’ some 10,000. years ago.
Dr. O’Shea is the Curator of Great Lakes Archaeology at the University of Michigan Museum of Anthropology, in Ann Arbor MI. He received a BA in Anthropology from the University of Nebraska, a Diploma in Prehistoric Archaeology from Oxford University, and a PhD in Prehistoric Archaeology from Cambridge University. He has directed major digs in North America, Hungary, Romania and Serbia. He is also engaged in underwater archaeology, involving historic shipwrecks as well as submerged prehistoric sites.
Dr. O’Shea revealed his latest discoveries at the talk titled ‘Dispatches from a lost world: Continuing archaeological research on the Alpena-Amberley Ridge in central Lake Huron’. BCHS president Dorne Fitzsimmons said, “We are thrilled with the large turnout for the talk by Dr. O’Shea. The Society is proud to be able to offer presentations such as this one to the community.
His previous presentation to the Historical Society, “That Sinking Feeling: Archeology from the Great Plains to the Bottom of the Great Lakes”, at the October 2021 annual meeting, may be viewed on the BCHS YouTube channel, .
At the next BCHS annual meeting and dinner, on October 28th, the featured talk will reveal how the old Douglas Point nuclear reactor will be dismantled and how its radioactive material will be handled. The meeting starts at noon in the Bruce Township Community Centre in Underwood. Tickets are $25 for members and $30 for non-BCHS members. Email or call 519-368-7186.
The Historical Society welcomes new members and is seeking directors for its southeast and southwest divisions of Bruce County.