A great man is gone and, for his people, an elder who led the community … Vernon Roote.
Past Chief Vernon Roote was a staunch advocate for his Saugeen First Nation and, as an Elder, leant his wisdom to the community.
In May, 2016 Chief Roote told of his family’s history and their connection to Wesley United Church at Saugeen that was celebrating its 125th anniversary. A mere four years later, in 2020, the historic church was destroyed by fire.
He also worked tirelessly with the Bruce County Museum and Cultural Centre to ensure that his people’s history would be depicted accurately. The Gallery tells the history of the First Nations Anishnaabwe people, features life-sized wild animals and hosts a state-of-the-art program area complete with touch-screen audio-visual components.
When the the newly re-designed Indigenous gallery opened, Vern said that, “This Gallery gives some context to our historical beginnings. We have many more artifacts and, now, we have a place in this Museum where they can be stored and revered.”

Anytime we met, which was often at various functions, we had great conversations. Vern was a natural storyteller and, in past years, I would often see him waving as he drove past in his classic car.
I know he will be missed by his family and his community.