Once again, I could not let a friend go without a personal reflection. Tom was, what is known as, a ‘diamond in the rough’.
Over the years, I have taken a ‘library’ filled with photos of Tom and his wife, Karen, because often where one was the other was too.
Avid car enthusiasts, they were seen almost every Thursday night during the summers at Cruisers’ car show nights in Southampton where they would take one of their cars and visit with other car owners.
Tom often appeared to be tough as nails but, underneath, this larger-than-life man also had a gentle creative side. While burls on a tree can be seen as ugly, to Tom they were an opportunity. He would take them and, with a master’s hand, would create beautiful wooden bowls that have found homes around the world.
His latest enterprise was to create exquisite side-tables from various wood slabs on wrought-iron bases. He chuckled as he said he “… couldn’t make them fast enough” as they were selling as fast as he could make them.
He and wife, Karen shared an art studio in the downstairs of their home where Tom’s woodworking joins Karen’s paintings and, together, they participated in the annual Shoreline Artists studio tours.
Tom undoubtedly worked hard building his contracting business because it became a successful enterprise, T. A. Stewart and Son, in Southampton.
He took great pride in his equipment and I remember how excited he was when his new truck arrived and he had to show it to me.
One of Tom’s passions was fishing and volunteering with the Lake Huron Fishing Club. He told me about the time that he almost won the Chinook Salmon Derby until another fisherman brought one in that weighed ” …. only ounces more”.
I would sometimes drop by the Stewarts to enjoy a cup of Karen’s delicious blueberry tea and Tom would take time out to join us at the kitchen table where we would talk about politics, art, fish and everything else. One day last summer, I happened to stop by at 2:30 in the afternoon and Tom said, “Where have you been? You’re late!” … and then he grinned.
I was also fortunate enough to attend Tom and Karen’s 50th anniversary celebration at their ‘summer’ home where family and friends gathered for a ‘pig roast’. As he showed me around, Tom waved at the house expansively and proudly said that the entire home had been designed by Karen.
While Tom may be gone, the memories will linger on … I feel fortunate to have known him.