Resident raises more concerns over proposed CCV development

To the Editor:

I am a concerned resident of Saugeen Shores.  I own three residences, one being a family cottage on Izzard and I also have a boat slip in the Port Elgin Harbour.  It has been a special place since I was a child summering here.

I have a few concerns about the proposed development known as the CCV – Cedar Crescent Village, on the Port Elgin main beach.

#1 is the safety of the visitors that use our harbour.

Our Transient visitors, our seasonal visitors and our permanent residents all enjoy the serenity, sounds, calming affects and fresh air that has been making Port Elgin a destination for generations.

What kind of affect will it have on getting to the harbour that is easily accessible in its current state?

What if a boat gets into trouble, IE fire, taking on water, or persons on the pier needs prompt medical attention?  It is quite easy to get a fire truck, an ambulance and a couple of police cars there in its current state.  I wonder if it will be so if the CCV is put in its proposed location?

#2 there will be noise that will be generated by a function that has a permit to go past 11:00 pm. With the location of the CCV as currently proposed, it will be hard to buffer. Is that what our visitors, or persons who are staying on their boats want?  As a slip owner I recall being notified that “as a courtesy to other boaters, noise levels should be kept at a minimum past 11:00 pm” Doesn’t it seem like a double standard?

#3 with the recent recommendation from the SVCA, the project needs to be moved back. If the town does not receive approval for this development from the SVCA, overriding their rulings would be inappropriate. I still have no idea why or how it was not assigned to the original RFP. I would hope that in our world of climate change and new respect for the environmental issues our Town would ask for a revised version of the CCV. One that is smaller and moved away from its current proposal.

The town survey conducted in JULY of 2019 shows a strong support of a full service restaurant (again), and some form of activity for our visitors and residents. A movie space actually tied the survey with activity space! Basically I see that as some sort of park, a place to gather for family fun.  What a wonderful place that would be.

Thanks for your time,

Patty Bowman