Southampton Lawn Bowling Club saw a dramatic rise in participation over the summer with the introduction of the Social Bowl and Brews Friday nights.
What got off to a quiet start has almost outgrown the facility with all ages coming out wanting to learn more about the sport.
“We are going to strategize after this summer,” says Dave Mensher, Club house Manager. “We may have to consider opening it up for more than one evening a week if the interest continues to grow.”

The evening begins at 6:00 p.m. when lessons are given to newcomers on the art of throwing the bowls and, which many find is not as easy as it looks.
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Then at 7:00 p.m., it’s game time with teams being matched up.

Friday evening (Aug. 11) saw one of largest number of newcomers as more than 60 people turned out to take the early lessons. Then, those who were ‘regulars’ began to arrive expanding the numbers to more than 90.
“It has been fantastic,” says Club President Steven Henkel. “People are really interested in the sport and the social aspect of it. I think that most people thought it was just more for seniors when, in fact, it’s a real sport of skill and for every age.”
Next Friday, August 18th, is the last of the Bowl and Brews for the 2023 season but it is going out with a bang as there is also going to be live music.