Southampton Rotary donates to Ukraine for medical aid for war victims

Following a recent impassioned and harrowing talk by Dr Paul Moroz on the challenges of providing medical treatment for Ukrainian civilian and military war victims suffering from horrendous injuries sustained through bomb and missile attacks, Southampton Rotary Club members were moved to act.

During the meeting the club held a mock auction that raised $150 and the Club International Services Committee matched this with a further $850 from the club’s disaster relief fund to provide a donation of $1000 to the ‘Canadian Ukraine Foundation – Surgical Aid Program’.

About the Speaker:  Dr. Paul Moroz is an orthopaedic surgeon and an active Rotarian in Hawaii, with the Honolulu Sunset Rotary Club, and he is in the process of re-locating to Southampton. He is a Ukrainian-Canadian who is passionately championing the cause to deliver much needed surgical supplies to help relieve suffering from the war in Ukraine.