Southampton Rotary Feeds The Wildcats

by Rotarian Dave Bertrand

The Southampton Rotary Club wheeled up to Port Elgin Saugeen Central school to help feed hungry “Meet The Teacher” patrons on the evening of September 19th.

The Southampton Rotary BBQ battalion, its fresh-cut French fry force, popcorn platoon and drinks brigade satisfied the appetites and thirst of parents and students, as they met this year’s teachers and got a quick orientation to their 2024-25 school year.

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Satisfied Wildcat customers’ purchases and donations helped to contribute to the school’s drive to improve their playground equipment and to help support the many youth programs that Southampton Rotary supports each year. Southampton Rotary provides dictionaries to all Grade 3 Wildcats. The club also works with other local Rotary clubs to provide science workshops, Shop With A Cop fun and community service for Grade sixes, and Winterama fun and fundraising for school projects.

Southampton Rotary Exchange 2024-25 Student Lena Storath (from Bavaria, Germany) worked with District 6330 exchange students Kaedra (2023 Canadian outbound to Germany), Matthew (Taiwan), Vitoria (Brazil) and Katie (Thailand) to help satisfy the hunger of the “Meet the Teacher” Wildcats.


“It was cool to have exchange students from four different countries helping us,” said Rotarian Dave Bertrand.