Southampton Tennis Club receives prestigious award

The Ontario Tennis Association (OTA) has selected the Southampton Tennis Club (STC) to receive the Outstanding Club Achievement Award for 2020. Attached are photos of Directors Wendy Buckley and Bill Pineau holding award, and close up of award.

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This award is not given lightly as many categories are evaluated in achieving this recognition out of 240 clubs that belong to OTA.

STC’s summer programming includes casual and competitive tennis, child and adult lessons and programming, as well as home and regional tournaments. The Club has also provided tennis programming support to Southampton’s G.C. Huston Public School and tennis equipment to Saugeen First Nation. In addition, STC was one of the first local organizations to donate to the Southampton Range Light Restoration project.

The Southampton Tennis Club has been in operation for over 65 years and, in a non-COVID year, attracts over 1,300 members. There are three Club locations in Southampton offering 15 tennis courts. At the Club’s main location, over 200 children, aged 5 – 15 have 40 minute age/skill lessons on five courts from 8:20 to 1:00 p.m. weekdays.

STC is a not-for-profit organization operated by 15 volunteer directors and that hires as many as 25 students every summer. As one of the members said, “I love our club!!”  … a sentiment shared by all who participate in this unique Southampton organization.

“The OTC award will be a proud reminder to all current and former Directors, Staff and Members to continue to promote our motto of Friendships, Fun, Fitness and Fair Play,” says Volunteer Director, Bill Pineau.

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CUPS WEEK:  August 22nd – 28th