The day started out with blustery winds, showers and very cool temperatures but, as the day wore on, the clouds disappeared and the sun came out to warm things up just in time for the first summer Fairy Lake concert in Southampton.

The Southampton Concert Band performed a wide range of music from some of the most popular and memorable broadway and movie musicals in the outdoor Rotary pavilion.

From My Fair Lady to Andrew Lloyd Webber’s ‘Cats’, to Mary Poppins and the Sound of Music and more, visitors sat back and relaxed as the music reverberated over Fairy Lake.

The Southampton Concert Band is made up of a variety of musicians from the very professional to community members, all under the direction of John Wills.
The Band’s next performance will take place today, July 1st (2024) at 6:30, at the Canada Day celebration in Southampton at the foot of High Street at the traditional flag.