Update on approvals for proposed development requested says reader

Letter to the Editor:
We, Port Elgin Beach Preservers, recently sent this open correspondence to Saugeen Shores Council.
The Port Elgin Beach Preservers are requesting an update on the approvals process for the Cedar Crescent Village.

We are trying to keep the 1780 members of the Port Elgin Beach Preservers informed of current and ongoing events and would appreciate confirmation of each of the following statements as we wish to be totally accurate in the information we are sharing.

1- The last update to Council on the site plan and introduction of the site plan servicing agreement was at the Committee of the Whole meeting on January 10, 2022.
2- The Town and the Proponent are currently waiting on approval or denial of the Permit to Take Water from the Ministry of the Environment. On May 2 CMT Engineers returned to the waterfront to do a new borehole assessment based on the new proposed site of November 22, 2021. Once HCS completes the  hydrogeological assessment, using the information from CMT, it will then be sent to the proponent, who will then re-submit it to the Ministry of the Environment for their application of a Permit to Take Water. 
3-  The Town and the Proponent are waiting for approval of  the Dynamic Beach Hazard Assessment as submitted in March to SVCA by Shoreplan Engineering on behalf of Pier Donnini.  The DBHA is being peer reviewed on behalf of the SVCA by GeoScientist Peter Zuzek.
4- As yet, there is no Site Plan Servicing Agreement between the Town and Mr. Donnini.
5- As yet, there has been no approval for a building permit  or a conditional building permit by the Chief Building Official, Josh Planz.
6- The proponent and the Town have not yet entered into a site plan servicing agreement. Once all approvals are in place, the site plan servicing agreement must come before Council for a final vote before a building permit can be obtained.
7- CCV Architect Grant Diemert is now one of the investors in the Cedar Crescent Village.
8- There has been NO building permit application submitted to the Town of Saugeen Shores or the Bruce County Planning Department.
The Public has a right to know if their tax dollars are being used to support the CCV development.

a)Has the $150,000 contribution towards the Parking and Landscaping surrounding the development been paid by Mr. Donnini?
b)Who paid for the new Dynamic Beach Hazard Assessment completed by Shoreplan Engineering?
c) Who is paying for the new soil analysis and Hydrogeological Report by HCS and CMT?
d) How many man hours have Town staff  put into the approvals process for the CCV?
e) Has Mr. Donnini continued to pay monthly rental payments, as agreed upon in the lease? Are they up-to-date?
f) What other financial exemptions or concessions have been provided to Mr. Donnini and CCV investors?

Patricia Corrigan-Frank
Port Elgin Beach Preservers