Teacher and mentor, Bud Halpin at Saugeen District Senior School (SDSS) believes that when it comes to learning practical skills, it’s all about the hands-on experience.
The trades program that he teaches includes skills such as carpentry, drywalling, plumbing and, now, electrical. “We started teaching electrical,” said Halpin, “and now there are three other high schools in the region doing it.”
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“Some of these students will definitely go into the trades,” says Halpin, “but even for those who don’t, these are skills that they will carry through life and, if they ever have their own homes, they’ll be able to understand and repair many things for themselves.”
Over the years, his students have become involved in a wide variety of projects working throughout the community and learning alongside journeymen carpenters at off school-site projects.
When John Willets of Southampton wanted at least 50 birdhouses for a wide variety of Bird species, he turned to Halpin and his students. Willets purchased and is rehabilitating approximately 40 acres on the Bruce Peninsula returning it to its natural state after severe logging. With the return to nature, he has been re-creating wetlands, meadows and, with the rehabilitation, come birds of all kinds.
Halpin’s previous students created bird and bat houses for McGregor Provincial Park. “It’s important for these students to realize that by building these, they are also becoming involved in helping the environment.”
Willets provided the plans and, while Halpin and his students were willing to do the building, getting the wood was another matter as nearing the end of the school year, there was little budget left for the project.
“I approached Andy Johnson at RONA to see if they could help out and he didn’t hesitate,” said Willets. “He donated the untreated wood and even delivered it.”
“We see this is as an all around win for the students and for the wildlife and environment,” said RONA Manager, Andy Johnson. “We were only too happy to help out and provide the untreated lumber that is needed.”

Halpin, who also developed a Specialist High Skills Major program for SDSS in Construction. By instilling a growth mindset in his students, they are empowered to believe in themselves and develop the confidence to persevere and do their best. His class motto is “Safety, Education and Community”.
Halpin retires this year at the end of the school year in June.