To the Editor:
What is the difference between a two story Conference Centre, Banquet Hall, Events Hall and Rental Facility?
Other than name games, the big two-story building is still there despite overwhelming community objections. The restaurant with a roof patio also fits that category. Your plans, your survey and huge public consensus still say no!
Using past structures as justification to build on the beach is troubling.
1) None of the three past buildings were more than one story.
2) All three buildings were placed as far away from residents as possible.
3) Proportionally all three buildings covered little beach.
4) The beach was much larger.
Because of these facts, the loss of beach views, space and residential interruptions were extremely limited. Your latest version is missing the common denominator to a past that you have used to sell the present.
1) Two story buildings.
2) Location is as close to residences as you can get
3) Commercialism is the focus
4) Much smaller beach.
Ethics … the discipline concerned with what is morally good and bad and what is morally right and wrong.
Allowing the present version to so negatively impact the Harbour St. residences and families’ very life style is morally bad and morally wrong. Their views will be impossible because of the closeness of the backend of a commercial operation with all the accompanying noises, smells and storage/garbage.
Take a step back and imagine the best view YOUR home presents being concealed. Contemplate this consequence knowing that options are available. You are considering destroying the lifestyles of these people who have been subject to high taxes courtesy of decades of past councils recognizing the value of these vistas and views that you think, at the present time, should now be dead ended. Options are available.
The Golden Rule from the New Testament spoken by Jesus of Nazareth ….”Treat other people the way you want to be treated” appears in many places, especially children’s books like the Berenstain Bears.
W. McGrath
Port Elgin