The Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre (BCM&CC), in partnership with the Bruce Peninsula Society of Artists (BPSA), presented over the summer the juried show Escarpment Roots: The Land, The People, The Story.
The exhibit celebrated art, inspired by the Niagara Escarpment, in all forms of media including painting, photography, mixed media wall art, and 3D art.
For BPSA artists, the escarpment is not just a place to live, it’s a place to create and serves as a major source of inspiration. The escarpment spans highly populated areas, to rural villages and farms, and rugged isolated forests. Its history is the varied history of the Indigenous peoples, ancient cedars, settlement, farming, industry and parklands.
On September 4th, the exhibit closed and the highlight of the closing reception held on Saturday, September 2nd was the People’s Choice Award. “Some 600 visitors cast their ballots over the summer for their choice in the show,” said Kathy McGirr, BCM&CC Director. “We are very grateful for the artists who have been so willing and open to allow us to display their works here at the Museum.”
Bruce County Warden, Chris Peabody, also attended the reception and thanked the BPSA for all the work that they do. “This is a fantastic facility in Bruce County and many of these works brought back childhood memories of the Escarpment for me.”
Before presenting the People’s Choice Award, Ian Cochrane, an artist and member of the BPSA, also thanked Museum staff for their hard work. “We appreciate the thought that went into this exhibit and made it so successful. We hope that there will be an opportunity to participate again in the future.
The winner of the People’s Choice Award which also came with a $100 prize announced by Ian Cochrane was …

Anita Cunningham.
Lin Souliere accepted on her behalf as Cunninham was unable to attend the reception.