Dear Editor;
Now would be a good time to “Lower the Temperature” on the debate around the Memorial Area at the corner of Huron and High Streets in Southampton.
The first thing is to come up with what it is that we “all” would like to see done.
Try this; “Let us create a memorial area that recognizes the more than ‘600 men and women’ from our community who served in past military conflicts”.
It should be that simple.
The current stone memorial does that for 42 who lost their lives in WWI and WWII. It has done its duty and can be tastefully included in a memorial area that would be all-inclusive of the 600 plus who served.
And, YES, we do have the names of more than 500 of them.
This could be done in a proper and considerate manner that every one of us would be very proud of.
So, let us “Lower the Temperature and get together”.
Yours truly and sincerely,
“Some old guy” who had 9 family members and ancestors from Bruce County, 5 from Saugeen Shores, who served in the Canadian Military, and especially two of them who came back badly wounded and suffered for the rest of their lives.
Yes, I care!