Dear Editor,
There are currently eleven traffic lights on Goderich St. between the north end of Port Elgin and the south end.
I have heard it mentioned probably with a bit of exaggeration that it takes as much time to travel from north Port Elgin to south Port Elgin as it takes to travel from Port Elgin to Kincardine.
Can the Municipal Transportation folks please take a trip to a European town of similar size to figure out how to solve this problem? It’s getting worse.
Gerard Walsh
Port Elgin
Editor’s Note: Goderich Street is, in fact, a highway (Hwy. 21) under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Transportation despite the fact it runs through Port Elgin. Any changes must be approved by the Ministry – e.g. the left turn lane at Ivings Drive.
At my count, there are actually seven traffic lights (?) with others being activated as cross-walks when necessary.
Comment: travel from north to south Port Elgin = Port Elgin to Kincardine travel time …
is definitely an exaggeration