Museum enters into an Endowment Fund with Community Foundation

Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre is pleased to announce it has opened an endowment fund with the Community Foundation Grey Bruce (CFGB).

Endowment funds provide a stable, predictable source of revenue for organizations, and are a natural place for people to designate memorial gifts or bequests or to make donations that they want to have a long-lasting impact.

“An endowment fund will help ensure that we will always be able to enhance the
important work of the Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre,” said Maria Canton,
BCM&CC Development Officer “We chose to partner with the Community Foundation
Grey Bruce on this initiative because of their investment expertise and their
community leadership.”


Stuart Reid, Executive Director of CFGB, said the establishment of the Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre Endowed Fund will “… benefit the museum and all of its wonderful
programs for generations to come.”



“When you contribute to an endowment fund, you are not only making a donation, but also
guaranteeing that future generations will be able to share in your love of arts & culture in
perpetuity,” Canton added.

For more information about the Museum Endowment Fund or any of the planned giving opportunities available at the Museum,visit or
contact Maria Canton, Development Officer by calling 519-797-2080 or by email at To make a donation, please visit and select Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre under the FUND tab.