It was Music for Hearing, Healing and Hope … it was a musical fundraiser in support of the Grey Bruce Healthcare Chaplaincy Council.
Held on Saturday (Sept. 28th) at St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Southampton, the concert featured solo artists, duets, quartets and choral groups that came together in a mass choir, all donating their time and talent for the Chaplaincy Council.
The Council consists of chaplains and lay-chaplains who work in the hospitals and hospice care in Grey and Bruce Counties. The Chaplains receive no government funding and rely on donations, fundraising and grants while providing a valuable spiritual personal service to patients in hospital and those in hospice.
The Spiritual Care Providers care for patients and their families who need and benefit from the chaplains’ deep listening skills. Their skills can lessen anxiety, bring a sense of comfort and often contribute to shorter stays for those in hospital.
Hosted by the Rev. Ann Veyvara-Divinski, the evening featured the Chantry Singers, A Cappella Chamber Choir and the combined choirs of St. Paul’s and St. John’s Anglican Churches. In addition, there were solo performances by harpist Janet Squire, soloists Meghan and John DeJager, a duet by Mike Grace and Adrian Little, duet by Peter and Brenda Dimoff.

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The finale was a moving rendition by the Mass Choir of Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah that included audience participation.
With admission by donation, the evening of music raised approximately $1,400. Anyone wanting to donate to the Chaplaincy program can contact their local hospital in Grey and Bruce counties.
The concert was also a celebration of St. Paul’s 160th Anniversary.