New beach development does not consider Climate change says reader

To the Editor:

The design of the CCV is not in keeping with the Beachside, it does not “conform with the Waterfront Master Plan”.  No matter how much the Mayor suggests otherwise.

The issue of services in lieu has all but been erased …. for this monolith, the Public is getting free washroom space?? What about all the hours of staffing service the taxpayer has already contributed??  Former CAO Mr. Smith said the cost to the taxpayer would be minimal.

We had no say in the  money spent to try to convince the SVCA that the Dynamic Beach does not go  past the Promenade. That notion was ridiculous. Just because you build a walkway in the middle of it, does not mean the Beach stops there, the whole area is Dynamic Beach. The whole area West of Harbour is still Beach. Parking and other smaller buildings have been allowed (The Station and the Cedar Crescent Casino, a Bandshell)  historically) but it is still Beach.

The future costs for hours of road work and maintenance, snow clearance in Winter are all to be shouldered by the Saugeen Shores Taxpayer. You are creating an environmental concern with the additional garbage these “restaurants”  plural will produce. (the seagulls will thank you.)

This area is a flood plane, and has underground streams, where is the plan to mitigate that risk? Climate Change has not been considered in this design. This is required by the Provincial Policy Statement of 2020.

How does the proponent get insurance?? Will fill be brought in and further height added? The snow removal and salt into the Lake has not been addressed. A traffic study, nor an environmental impact study have not been conducted.

Shared parking with Beachgoers will be negatively affected. (It’s difficult now to find parking in July and August.) Accessibility in the design seems muddy at best, Mr. Pausner did not say the buildings would be accessible.

The view of the homeowners on Harbour is effectively blocked…this design seems intentional.  No buildings should be South of the Mill St. opening. None should be 2 story. Alternative design proposals have been ignored.

Mr. Frank asked a number of questions during his presentation to Council on Jan 10, 2022 Will any of them be answered??

Citizens are speaking into the wind.

Thank you to Matt Carr and Cheryl Grace for standing against this project design.

Peggy Corrigan-Dench
Port Elgin Beach Preservers