Peter Knowlton passed away on Saturday, August 31st (2024) at the age of 92. He had been in failing health since July.
Au Revoir Port Elgin
We are moving on, our house has been sold. We have rented an apartment in Kanata. We will be closer to family and less than half the distance to Hastings Highlands with family and cottage on Bark Lake and Papineau Lake.
I arrived in Port Elgin April 1, 1974 to begin a 20 year career at the Bruce Heavy Water Plant and, 48 years later on April 1, 2022, we will leave Port Elgin.
The years at “The Heavy” were memorable: working with hundreds of dedicated, totally committed and very capable people we accomplished great things with many rewards. BHWP was the very best heavy water production facility in the world.
We also survived “The Winter of 77”, 200 inches of snow.
Our children Julie and Paul were teenagers when we arrived. They finished school, university and moved on to their chosen careers as Bruce County kids.
Peggy served six years as a Port Elgin Town Councilor (1976-1982). She enjoyed her time on the council. There were several new councilors. There were no reserve funds for any projects and there was no Council Chamber. A Town Hall was established in rented space in the old High School. Funding allocations were established. Councilors worked hands on for many projects e.g. trial runs with new garbage trucks to select the best, all councillors working together to lay sod at the North Shore Park also getting dunked in cold water to raise money for charity. This group left the Town Management in better shape than they found it.
We have been members of St. John’s Anglican Church since we arrived. Many friends, many rectors. Special celebrations too; Burns Night with Pipers and Haggis. Shrove Tuesday with Pancakes, more than one 100 year birthday parties.
We also played with so many friends and great golfers at Saugeen for 48 seasons – Lady’s Day, Men’s Night, Seniors, we were Certificate Holders for many years. Always a very special place. A cool drink with friends on the patio; life doesn’t get much better.
We curled in Port Elgin for more than 40 years. Regular draws, Invitational Bonspiels, Wednesday Senior Spiels, Heavy Water Tankard, Friday night mixed, Christmas Turkey Dinners, winning the Ramada Challenge in 1989, scoring an Eight Ender, and this year Ontario Tankard at the Plex.
Life in Port Elgin was always good. So many friends, so many good times; Dances at the Beach Casino. Parties at the Eddy, Probus Clubs, Beer & Wings, Beach Days, Ice Cream on the beach at sunset, Highland Games, Pumpkinfest, Y2K Plex Opening Dance, Duplicate Bridge. Parties with friends and neighbours.
It’s hard to say Goodbye. We will miss you all. Thanks for the memories.
Peggy and Peter
In 2018, Peter received his PROBUS 25 year pin.