Another summer has come and gone. It has been a quiet summer at the Branch with few members coming in except for Friday BBQ and Bingo which has been well attended. Meat Draws have also done fairly well. Beginning September 8th, we will be open on Sundays 3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
I had the honour of representing our Branch at Dominion Convention in August. A lot of good information was received and the new Dominion Command Executive was elected.
We did finally get our new ice maker after two months’ wait. However, the drainage problem has not been solved. I am still working on it and hope to get it done this fall.
Volunteers are also needed for the monthly events so again please leave your name and contact info at the Bar.
President Robert Harrison
P.S. Don’t forget the Annual General Meeting – on Tuesday, September 3rd at 7:30 pm. Please plan on attending. Your Executive has worked hard taking care of business over the summer months and your attendance would be appreciated to approve of Branch business.
To read the Branch Newsletter, CLICK HERE