Open Letter: Development application disrespectful to all in Saugeen Shores says resident

To the Editor:

This is to be considered an open letter of concern to the Bruce County Planning Department, the Council & Mayor of Saugeen Shores, the population of Saugeen Shores and the Saugeen Times.

Subject: The letter from the County of Bruce Planning and Development Department Dated April 19, 2023 and just received on May 1, 2023 titled “Notice of Complete Application”.

This is nothing more than another attempt to destroy the last area of wooded/wetland in Southampton no doubt by uncaring and greedy developers.

The land in question was/is shown as “Not to be Developed’ on the map overlay of the area in question so it should not be a surprise to the developers.

Attention: Coreena Smith, Bruce County Planner on this file.

File Numbers: S-2022-028, L-2022-016, Z-2022-135

With regard to the ‘Notice of Complete Application’ as referenced in the above file numbers, please keep me updated on ANY action on these files including any meetings, news releases, information sessions, etc.

Question: The council of Saugeen Shores including ALL council members and the Mayor unanimously passed a motion in 2019 that this property could not be developed unless the official Bruce County plan, which was under review, was changed as a result of the review to allow development of these lands. Was the official Bruce County plan officially REVISED to allow development of this area? If it was not revised why is this application even being considered?

This Notice of “Complete Application” is showing unmitigated contempt for the mayor and Council of Saugeen Shores and, in fact, is an affront and disrespectful to the entire population of Saugeen Shores.

Paul Salter, Southampton