In a solemn ceremony on Friday, May 3rd (2024), Port Elgin Royal Canadian Legion Branch 340 installed its Executive members for 2024.
Unfortunately, due to a lack of response from membership, but fortunately however, the 2023 Executive agreed to remain for the upcoming year in their current positions.

Absent from 2024 Photo:
(Brian Henderson – photo unavailable)
Zone Commander, Rob Butchart from Paisley, and Deputy Zone Commander, Steve Rice, were on hand to carry out the official installation.
For larger view, Click on Image
Each of the Executive were directed by the Zone Commander to carry out specific responsibilities. Among the duties of the President for example is a requirement to promote the branch in the community, represent it as zone meetings, carry on the traditions of the branch and maintain a spirit of fairness. In addition, the Secretary-treasurer has to attend all meetings and maintain accurate records and financial transactions, among many other duties.
Port Elgin Legion Branch 340 is among the most active within the zone of the Royal Canadian Legion, fostering community support and interactive social activities that bring people into the branch.
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