Some 140 Saugeen District Senior School (SDSS) graduate students of 2019 returned for their commencement ceremonies on Friday, October 11th that saw the area filled to standing-room only.
Of the graduating class there were 80 Ontario Scholars with an average of more than 80 per cent, 11 with Specialist High Skills Major and three with Extended French Certificates. There were also many subject awards handed out in a previous ceremony that included awards in Academic Achievement, Business, English, French Proficiency, Geography, Mathematics, Physical Education, Music, Science, Technology, Visual Arts, Saugeen First Nation Education Awards and more.
One of the largest graduating classes Tradition
Director of Bluewater District School Board (BWDSB) Education, Alana Murray said that she was aware of ” … how supportive this community has always been for its schools. It’s really wonderful to see all the students many of whom traveled a great distance to here. I also want to thank the donors and the staff in the support they give the youth within this community.
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Leigha Roote receives the Giovanna Baragetti Award from principal melissa McEwen (L)