CFUW Southport is hosting the Saugeen Shores All Candidates Meeting next Thursday, October 13th from 6:30-8:30 (doors will open at 6:00) at the PLEX in Port Elgin.
Less than 50% of all Saugeen Shores’ eligible voters voted in the 2018 Municipal Election and only 43.5% of all eligible voters cast a ballot in this year’s Provincial Election. With your help, we’d like to change this.
Encourage your local friends, neighbours and organizations to become informed by attending next week’s meeting and to vote by phone or internet beginning October 17th to October 24th. People who are out of the area can vote anywhere in the world where internet is available! Also, people whose primary residence is not in Saugeen Shores but who own property here are also eligible to vote.

Most voters should have received an information letter with instructions and a PIN in the last week or so. If not email election@saugeenshores.ca or call the office at (519) 832-2008 Extension 100.
Of the 22 candidates for Saugeen Shores Council and the four school boards that serve our area 17 have confirmed their attendance.
Audience members will also have an opportunity to ask questions from the floor however, questions can also be submitted to CFUWsp@gmail.com
Although we are still working at having a live television feed and a recording to make available afterwards, there have some challenges and this may not be possible.