Seniors add their voice through new survey


For 30 years, the Chantry Centre in Southampton has been a hub of activities for seniors in the community.

From line dancing to card games, from woodworking to needle arts, from teas to birthday parties, the Centre has provided seniors with meaningful social gatherings.

Saugeen Times file photo

In a recent delegation to Saugeen Shores Town Council, the Centre’s President, Connie Barker, said that “… new Programs and lots of exciting things are being planned for the coming year.”

She also explained that the Centre has many supportive partners:

1) United Way has donated a new lap top and 10 tablets to make game playing a reality when things open up

2) Arturas Zuta from Innovation Catalyst, Nuclear Promise X, has set up all the units with games, emails, communication programs and will be running training programs for our seniors in the near future to teach them all how to use them

3) 10 businesses in Southampton made generous donations to enable the Centre to purchase picnic tables for some outdoor activities this summer

4) The Centre has requested support from other companies and clubs to enable them to reopen with programs designed by Recreational Respite, one of the Centre’s new partners. Currently, the Lions Club and Westario Power are also on board.

5) The Chantry Centre and the P.A.R.K. group have created a partnership to keep all seniors informed of the activities as they become available and, in exchange, the Chantry Centre will include P.A.R.K. news and announcements in its Newsletter.

Barker also thanked town staff for their guidance and support in helping the Centre achieve its many ventures.

The Centre has now created a survey asking seniors in the community for input on how to move forward with organizing new programming and how to address the needs of seniors.  The information collected in the survey will be shared with the Saugeen Shores Recreation and P.A.R.C.

“Seniors need a voice in our community,” said Barker, “and we are asking them to help us create one.”

To complete the survey … Click Here