The Christmas season is in full swing (literally and figuratively) for members of the South Bruce branch of the Retired Women Teachers of Ontario/Organization des Enseignantes Retraitées de l’Ontario (RWTO/OERO) following their November 24th luncheon at the Kinloss Community Centre.
No one knows how to dress for a holiday like an elementary school teacher so instructions to dress in Christmas finery resulted in a riot of colours, bells, flashing lights and outrageous head wear reminiscent of a certain Dr. Seuss story.
Photos by Christine Roberts

Always generous and considerate of families in need, Kristy Andre of the United Way Bruce Grey stopped by to accept a donation from the group to a fund that supports disadvantaged children.
Joyce Scammell (two-time winner of most festive sweater competition) thanked caterer Jody Rothmaier for a delicious lunch which was followed by a program of games and singing.

Barb Ross organized two games: a brain teaser using visual clues to decipher titles of carols and Christmas charades.
No South Bruce Christmas gathering is complete without a carol sing led once again by Dianne Simpson and Jean MacDonald. This year the pair took it up a notch by providing instruments to the ladies to accompany the singing and even added a line dance to add aerobics and amusement to “Jingle Bells”.
The event ended with the ladies feeling jolly and appreciative of the efforts to keep them connected.
The next gathering will be in the spring and has yet to be scheduled. Details will be posted on the South Bruce branch page of