For the Port Elgin Ladies Auxiliary, it was a bittersweet time when they once again were able to help out several local charities, but for the last time as the Auxiliary surrenders its Charter.

The Auxiliary has supported the charities for many years and, on Thursday, May 11th (2023), disbursed their final funds available.
“The funds and support over the years have really impacted health care,” said Amy McKinnon of Owen Sound Hospital Foundation. “All the funds donated have gone directly to equipment needs, and this is a sad day for everyone.”
Derek Moore of the Operation Dog Service training said, “The Ladies Auxiliary has a lot to be proud of and it’s a huge loss for a branch to not have an Auxiliary. We are very appreciative of this donation ($5,000) as we have trained over 40 service dogs at a cost of $30-$40,000 each so donations like this are crucial. We are sorry to see the Port Elgin Ladies Auxiliary leave.”
“Saugeen Track & Field Club has existed for 45 years,” said Brian Hiblbers who has been with the club for 20 years. “The Legion has been our biggest supporter and hosted the annual track meet for many years. This year, we will have 15 athletes competing at the university level in north America. We are sad to see the end of the Auxiliary.”
Norma Dudgeon, an Auxiliary member for over 40 years and who accepted a donation on behalf of the Port Elgin Cenotaph Park explained how the cenotaph had been moved from the Port Elgin Library by the Legion branch, to a site of its own in the Park. “It was quite an undertaking but we did it with great pride and with the help of the Auxiliary all the way. Funds we have received over the years have toward the Park’s maintenance and for things like shrubs and flowers to beautify it. Over the many years, the Auxiliary have shared laughter and tears and we are so sorry to have to leave.”
The Legion Ladies Auxiliary in a Legion Branch is most often seen as the backbone of the branch with the work behind the scenes. Among their many works are fundraising in support of the branch and many local charitable organizations, catering social events such as celebrations of life, wedding receptions and social events held at the branch and marching in November 11th Remembrance Day parades. Whenever volunteers are needed in Legion branches, the Auxiliary has been there.
Most joined at a time when the Legion helped those veterans returning from war. It was also a time when the wives of servicemen could “pitch in and help their Legion branches” through fundraising to help the veterans arriving back home and it became a social time for many who had been stay-at-home mothers raising their children while their men were at war.”
“It’s another time,” said Port Elgin Auxiliary Treasurer, Vicky Taylor. “Unfortunately, the younger people today don’t seem to be as enthusiastic when it comes to joining organizations like this. The Auxiliary knows we aren’t the only ones going through this but it is still hurtful. All those charities that we have helped through the years will no longer have our support … it is a real trickle down effect.”
“Oh well,” said Taylor, her eyes welling up with tears, “it is what it is. Age catches up with all of us and many of our members, now in their 80s and who have been the most active, simply cannot keep up the work and, so … we have to move forward.”