On Wednesday, January 27, 2021, 128 residents and 7 staff members at Brucelea Haven Long Term Care Home (Walkerton, ON) and 90 residents and 13 staff members at the Gateway Haven Long Term Care Home (Wiarton, ON) received their first doses of the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine. This initiative was part the Grey Bruce Health Unit’s larger push to complete first dose vaccine coverage for all long-term care residents in Grey Bruce.

Gateway Haven resident Florence Wright, formerly of Hepworth, said, “The vaccine is protection. It will be nice to see the end of this pandemic. It’s nice to get the vaccine and I hope it does the job”. Other Gateway Haven residents mentioned feeling relieved, relaxed, lucky, and that their family would be safer.
The Grey Bruce Health Unit maintains vaccine administration and planning based on the Health Unit’s “COVID19 Vaccination Program Plan” with a focus on protecting the region’s most vulnerable populations. The Health Unit reminds the public that vaccinations are not yet available for the general public and that there is no appointment scheduling or vaccine waiting list at this time. Public Health will provide updates to the public when more information is available.
It continues to be a crucial time for exercising COVID-19 prevention measures. Please take action by staying home, and following the 3 W’s – wash our hands, watch our distance (6 feet), and wear our face covering correctly, and the 2 A’s – avoid crowds and arrange for outdoor activities when possible.
Bruce County Warden Janice Jackson added, “I would like to thank the Grey Bruce Health Unit and our region’s frontline workers for moving us one step closer to the end of this pandemic by continuing to advocate for safety and by rapidly vaccinating our long-term care, high-risk retirement, and First Nations elder care residents. Thank you to our residents, long term care staff, and families for your daily cooperation as we make each day better and push forward together.”
Bruce County’s Long Term Care Homes remain in full compliance with the Long Term Care Homes Act and all associated regulations. The homes continue to ensure a robust pandemic response, the Essential Caregiver Program, and virtual visiting opportunities. Families can continue to contact the Brucelea Haven and Gateway Haven Administrators with any questions and concerns. Discover more about Long Term Care in Bruce County. Discover more about the Grey Bruce Health Unit Vaccination Program.