Brucedale Press continues to host Meet the Author series through August

Each Wednesday in August, The Brucedale Press will host an author at its booth in the downtown Port Elgin Farmers’ Market beginning tomorrow (Aug. 4). Writing for children and adults, these creative guests come from several different areas in Bruce or Grey counties.

Wednesday, August 4, Michael O’Neill travels from Huron-Kinloss to meet marketgoers and sign copies of his books. Lydia and Benny are animal characters on adventures in stories for young children. Fourteen of his inspirational stories are collected in “Christmas
Seasonings”, while the humour he found in his dual career as farmer and plumber is the basis for “Tooling Around”.

On August 11, Port Elgin’s Jennifer Frankum visits the market to sign copies of her poetry collections, “Strong in My Skin” and “Dance More Often”. Her picture book for toddlers is “Now That You Are Two” illustrated by local artist Brianne Maas. Retired from teaching at
SDSS, she enjoys re-uniting with former students and other staff.

On August 18, Robert Grant, a part-time Southamptonite from Fergus, will attend the
market with his novel, “The Ailsa Stone”, a story bringing together mystery, history, and curling. He has completed a sequel, which is expected soon.

On August 25, Lynne Porter, of Georgian Bluffs, returns to the market.  The researcher, author, and illustrator of two previous books about Oxenden and Big Bay North Keppel, her new book  focuses on “Lake Charles The Way It Was”. She always finds fascinating facts about old houses and public structures… and the people who built them.

Any of these books can be reserved ahead by emailing or phoning  519 (866) 832-6025.

A market vendor since the first season on Mill Street [before the move
to its present location on Green St.], The Brucedale Press offers books for all
ages, created and produced within our region of Ontario.