Time for the Silent Majority to speak up says Vice-Deputy Mayor Elect
To the Editor:
“This World Class Nuclear Innovation Institute simply cannot slip from beneath our grasp in favor of another Community”
When first hearing of Bruce...
BIA Southampton comes out in support of Innovation Institute
To the Editor:
We write in answer to Mayor Elect Luke Charbonneau’s call for support. We are urging Southampton’s businesses to let Bruce Power know we...
Reader tired of NIMBYs starts petition
To the Editor:
I rarely, ok never yet, let my political opinions out but I’ve had enough of some of the NIMBY’s of Southampton! I’ve...
Vocal protesters should be ashamed of what they’ve done says reader
To the Editor and Bruce Power:
Nuclear Innovation Institute
I would like to address the small but vocal group in Southampton that may or may not...
Those with little vision stole from the community says reader
To the Editor:
Re: Mike Sterling's letter
In reading your letter of November 16th “ I am ashamed of myself” , I would like to tell...
I’m Ashamed of Myself
Letter to Southampton:
Open Letter To All Citizens of Saugeen Shores
To All Citizens of Saugeen Shores:
Consider the likelihood that the carbon-neutral energy grids of the future will rely heavily on nuclear power. Now consider that...
A once-in-a-lifetime event says Southampton Legion President
To the Editor:
With humility and gratitude
I would like to express my most sincere thanks to our team who participated, promoted and supported our remembrance...
Reader urges Bruce Power to come back to the table
To the Editor:
I am writing about the story published last week where Southampton misses out on an "exciting global opportunity".
I am disappointed in this...
Change can be a wonderful opportunity says reader
Southampton High Street
I lived my “formative years”, from age 11 to 18 on High Street during the 1950’s. I was the go-to kid to...
Institute would be a Monolith on Fairy Lake says reader
To the Editor:
The proposed Nuclear Innovation Institute is a laudable initiative sadly shoehorned into an ill-chosen site on Fairy Lake in downtown Southampton.
The three-storey...
Reader disagrees with proposed Innovation Institute location
To the Editor:
I recently watched this discussion (Innovation Institute) on-line via the council web-cast. I think that it is a great idea and, for...
Shop and support local says reader
To the Editor:
As we start thinking about our winter entertainment, gift shopping and activities, let's remember to support our local businesses and services.
We benefit so much in...
Reader issues an election challenge
To the Editor:
Councilors have often spoken of their support for the Train yet a deal could not be made.
Beware the incumbent who still blames the...