The Grey Bruce Health Unit is investigating multiple cases linked to a field party near Chesley on July 3rd, 2021. It is believed there were approximately 25 people in attendance, all of which were older teenagers and young adults.
We are aware of several attendees from different municipalities across Grey and Bruce. Currently, there are 5 confirmed cases linked to the declared outbreak. Anyone who attended this gathering is considered a high-risk contact and should isolate and be tested immediately. Isolation requirements for attendees are enforceable under the Class Order signed by the Medical Officer of Health Dr. Arra on April 16, 2021.
As a reminder to the public, if you develop symptoms consistent with COVID-19, please go to your nearest assessment centre for testing.
We are urging the public for the safety of the community to avoid attending events or family/social gatherings indoor or outdoor if:
1. You or anyone in your household have symptoms OR
2. You or someone in your household is awaiting test results OR
3. You suspect you have been exposed or in contact with someone who has COVID-19
It is essential to be vaccinated as soon as possible to reach a herd immunity that protects all of us and to break the chain of virus transmission. With your help we can move towards recovery.
Be safe; get the facts and get the vax!