Dear Editor,
There are some in our community of South Bruce who are loudly demanding a referendum on the DGR siting process. They are hoping, no doubt, that their yellow signs and fear campaign have sown enough doubt to tip a referendum in favour of a “no” vote, and that would put an end to the DGR. Then they can go back to the status quo.
In time, some of that precious farmland the NWMO has acquired may even come up for sale again, and our quiet roads will only be torn up by tractors and combines, not by trucks and borehole drilling equipment.
In my opinion, this approach is extremely short-sighted.
The NWMO has just begun to pour money into our community, in the form of jobs and donations, and they will undoubtedly continue to do so, as long as the process runs. The earliest construction that would even start on the DGR is 2033, and between now and then, any number of things can kill the DGR process – government reviews, environmental assessments, and approval by our local indigenous communities. Until that happens, South Bruce and surrounding communities will continue to see economic benefit from the project.
In my opinion, whether we want a DGR or not, we should keep the process going as long as possible. South Bruce Council is under zero obligation to ever hold a referendum, and I invite my fellow South Bruce residents to join me in urging the mayor and Council to avoid as long as possible, anything that could derail this positive and profitable process.
Tony Zettel,