Councillors are elected to look after taxpayer interests says reader

To the Editor:
I agree completely with the earlier letter submitted on this subject. There were two other presentations submitted to Council at Monday’s meeting, neither of which were big issues.  Each of the presenters had to respond to questions asked by council members.
On the excellent presentation given by Patricia Frank; this presentation was mostly based on documented facts, some of which had to be obtained through a Freedom of Information Request. In 2019 early in the planning process, Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority pointed out to Council that the site plan did not meet standards, that a coastal engineering report was required. This report was submitted in January 2021, it is not a complimentary report.
It was also noted that on several occasions, concessions were given by council to the promoter, related to upfront contractual payments.
At the conclusion of Patricia Franks’ presentation, Mayor Charbonneau requested questions from the members, none were given. To me it was a set up, members may have been encouraged to stay silent. [ we have some councillors who like to talk] Councillors are elected by the taxpayers to look after the taxpayers interests.
My background is in engineering and project management in the Steel Industry, before requesting management approval we ensured that all codes had been adhered to by the bidders. It would have aided the promoter if they had completed their engineering study in a tardier manner.
The Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority are part of a Provincial organization set up to protect people and property from natural hazards. The Port Elgin Beach Preservers endeavour to do as their name suggests, I am not a member of this group.
Allan Murray