COVID-19 Update: Town of Saugeen Shores facilities

The province-wide Stay-at-Home order is now in effect. Please see below for updates on Town facilities.

Tourist Camps, Harbours and Airport

The Port Elgin and Southampton Tourist Camps, Harbours and Airport continue to be closed to the public for the off-season. Staff are currently working hard to prepare these facilities for opening this Spring and continue to monitor COVID-19 related legislation.

The public is reminded that visits to the Tourist camps during the off-season are by appointment only and must comply with the Stay-at-Home order. Staff will continue to monitor the facility and will reach out to trailer owners if there are any immediate concerns.

While the Harbours are currently closed for the season, the boat launch remains open and available for use provided it complies with the Stay-at-Home order.

The Port Elgin Airport is currently preparing for a Spring opening, which would be done under compliance with the Stay-at-Home order.

Further updates on these facilities will be provided as new information becomes available.

Parks and Trails

Parks, trails and waterfront remain open in the Town of Saugeen Shores. This includes playgrounds, the skate park, and dog park. Please abide by the provincial order and public health guidelines when using these outdoor recreational facilities. Sports fields also remain open, but the public is reminded that no organized sports can take place according to current COVID-19 restrictions.

Clean Sweep Week

The Town has made the decision to cancel Clean Sweep Week which would normally take place at outdoor Town facilities this time of year. If you would like to assist in cleaning up litter in our community, please consider taking a garbage bag and appropriate protective equipment with you while out exercising or using outdoor recreation amenities as allowed by the Stay-at-Home order.

Indoor Town Facilities

Indoor Town facilities remain closed according to current legislation. This includes administration buildings and recreation amenities.

For more information and a full list of facility changes, visit