Flock of flamingos can appear anywhere you least expect it

The pink flamingo flocks are still on the move in Saugeen Shores, usually under the cloak of dusk.

There are two flocks, one for commercial businesses and one for residential, that are part of the unique FUNdraiser for three Saugeen Shores Lifesaving Club (SSLC) athletes, who are off to Italy in September to take part in the World’s Lifesaving Championships.

For larger view, Click on Image

Even the local police were no match for the pink birds that appeared at the Saugeen Shores Police Station under stealth of night!

     Spotted on Tomlinson Drive in Port Elgin






Joan Hamilton woke up on her (90+) birthday to find a flock of flamingoes on her front lawn in Southampton.  At first, she was surprised when she saw some staring at her through the window, but then when she learned the reason behind being ‘flocked’, she was enthusiastic.  “I’m happy to be part of the flocking fundraising initiative to help with sending Aurora, Jie Lynn and Eithan to the World Lifesaving Championships In Italy.”

For larger view, Click on Image


Flamingos were staring in her window in the early morning hours – for larger view, click on image

For a small donation, you may choose to ‘Flock’ a neighbour, friend or victim. These flamingos will then migrate and roost on their lawn for a day. 

Don’t despair … the flocking is done in good spirits and not meant to be mean.

All donations go toward the athletes expenses … to e-transfer, or have someone flocked,  contact us at  aurjieith@gmail.com

Thank you for your sense of humour and your support for the three Lifesaving athletes who will represent Saugeen Shores at the World’s Championships.