Kraft Heinz Project Play delivers the winning prize

Lamont Sports Park is one step closer to beginning.

On Tuesday, November 26th (2019), an entourage from TSN and Kraft Heinz Project Play arrived from Toronto and toured the proposed Lamont Sports Park at the south end of Port Elgin (Saugeen Shores) to see first-hand where the winning funds will be used.

                                             Site of the Lamont Sports Park
     Visitors Alicia McCarron, Amelia Rutledge, Erin Stone, Montanna Brisbin and         Matt Bruce listen as Frank Burrows (R), Manager of Parks, explained the            proposed sports park concept to the visitors although a final design is still                                                        being created

Following the tour, the visitors returned to Saugeen Shores Council Chambers where they presented the official Grand Prize of $250,000 to the town.

  (L) Councilor Cheryl Grace, Mayor Luke Charbonneau, Matt Bruce, Brand Mgr. Kraft Heinz and                                                                    Councilor Jami Smith


The Kraft Heinz Project Play winning was about community spirit said Mayor Luke Charbonneau.  “This brought the entire community together in a common cause.”