Your local Port Elgin Legion offers bingo every Wednesday. Doors open at 6:00 pm and games start at 7:00 pm in the upstairs hall at 630 Green Street.
We are currently looking for TWO key people for the selling of the books and reporting and
volunteers are also needed to cover shifts selling Bonanza tickets, covering the floor shift and bingo callers.
You do not have to be a member of the Legion.
This is a major fundraising event for the Branch and we can certainly use your help. All proceeds are donated to our community, youth programs and veteran services.
Please consider volunteering if you can spare a few hours at least twice a month on Wednesday evening. You will meet some great people while providing a fun social event where many members of our community enjoy coming together.
Please contact me and we will find a spot for you. Once again, thank you for your support and contribution to the success of our bingo program.
Rhonda Harrison