Local Moms take part in 100MillionMomsMarch to voice concerns

The numbers may have been small but local mothers of Saugeen Shores exercised their vocal concerns loud and clear.

On Saturday, October 24th, with children in tow, they carried placards demonstrating their concerns while marching along Goderich Street (Hwy. 21) in Port Elgin (Saugeen Shores).

The group began at Market and Goderich Streets and walked the entire length of Goderich to Ivings Drive (Giant Tiger plaza).

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The local group brought forward several concerns including the wearing of masks during the pandemic, vaccinations and putting a stop to human trafficking.

100 Million Moms is a grass roots movement, empowering everyday moms to protect their rights, freedoms and the futures of their children. It is a global movement that organizes marches lead by informed mothers who empower others in their community to take action against injustice.


“I never thought I would be protesting for our rights, freedoms and advocating for change, but as a mom, listening to our children, seeing our future, and asking myself is this how we want to live? Is this how we are meant to live? and the answer for me has always been no,” said local Mom, Tiffany Patterson. “We really do live in a world of infinite possibilities and exploring that has led me to question and research all things. To see what resonates and what doesn’t. There is this empowerment, liberating and comforting feeling when we come together and now is the time, more than ever, that we rise together and be that change for ourselves and for our beautiful children.”