Bruce County Museum and Cultural Centre (BCM&CC) is offering the opportunity for cultural demonstrators from Saugeen Ojibway Nation (SON) to showcase to Museum visitors traditional Indigenous practices and help guide them through the various aspects that include Jingle Dress Dancing and Drumming, Indigenous language 101 and Elder stories that will culminate in the Indigenous Food and Crafters Festival.
Jingle Dress Dancing & Drumming: On the back patio at the Museum (weather permitting), a SON community member will showcase regalia and demonstrate the traditional styles of dance and discuss the cultural significance of the customs. There will be three demonstrations at 1:00pm, 2:00pm and 3:00pm each Wednesday throughout July.
Indigenous Language 101: Within the Anishnaabwe Endaat exhibit at the Museum, a local knowledge-keeper will guide visitors through the basics of local Indigenous languages found within Bruce County. The event is open to anyone who wishes to build a better understanding of the relationship between SON and non-Indigenous community. The event will be held on Tuesday, August 9th and 16th at 1:00pm and 2:00pm.
Elder Stories: Again, within the Anishnaabwe Endaat exhibit area, a local elder will guide visitors through traditional Indigenous teachings and practices. The Stories will be held on Monday, August 15th and 22nd from 6:00pm to 8:30pm.
Indigenous Food & Crafters Festival:
On Thursday evening, September 15th from 6:00pm to 8:30pm, the Festival will showcase the absolute best of Indigenous cuisine throughout the Museum in the Anishnaabwe Endaat exhibit, the General Store, the Patio space and in the Bruce Power Theatre. The event will also be an opportunity for SON’s crafters to showcase and sell their creations. The evening event will be open to the public and free to attend however, registration will be required to determine the approximate number of visitors.
All demonstrators will be compensated for their time and labour. For further information, contact Evan Vatri, Program Coordinator at the Museum at 226-909-2672 or email: