New Perspectives: A Bringer of Joy – by Rev. Heather McCarrel

Photo by Bekka Mongeau/Pexels 

Being agreeable can sometimes be dangerous!  In an attempt to keep life simple for ourselves we may be tempted to merely agree with someone who is expressing some bitterness or mistrust towards another.  We nod our heads or say a word or two which pleases and justifies this person.

I had this happen recently, while sitting and waiting for an appointment, the person next to me struck up a conversation.  Their views on politics both locally and provincially differ from my own and their bitterness towards life was tangible but instead of trying to offer words of peace or gentleness I just nodded and went along with the conversation.

Later, as I reflected on that conversation I was disappointed in myself.  It was a lost opportunity.  Perhaps God placed this person, ever so briefly, in my path so I could offer words of peace, hope and joy; words that may have calmed his anxious mind and perhaps widened his view of gratitude. Perhaps simply by changing the conversation I could have softened his bitterness and aided him to remember that which makes him smile.

I made myself promise to remain on guard so that I not do this again but instead seek to be a “Bringer of Joy” or as Jesus calls it a “Peacemaker”. There is no other beatitude whose blessings is more radiant that that of the peacemaker-“they shall be called children of God.”

As we light the third Advent Candle, the pink Candle of Joy , may we do so with the commitment of being those who bring God’s joy to all we meet.