Ontario Power Generation (OPG) is ensuring that provincial businesses have the opportunity to succeed during the COVID-10 pandemic. One of those businesses is Abraflex, a relatively small business located in the village of Paisley, Bruce County.

Abraflex has been selected by OPG to provide Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and laundering services in support of OPG’s nuclear facilities.
Fred Kuntz, OPG Senior Manager, Corporate Relations and Projects – Bruce County and representing Lise Morton, OPG V-P Nuclear Waste Management, said that, “OPG is proud to support companies such as Abraflex as we work toward re-building our local economies in the wake of the pandemic. The nuclear supply chain in the province is strong and we are pleased to be able to find made-in-Ontario solutions for our supply needs.”
Kuntz announced on Friday, October 30th, that OPG has contracted Abraflex for a $600,000 purchase of radiation suits for distribution at OPG’s nuclear facilities and a second contract for $400,000 to provide laundering services for coveralls and towels from the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station.
Associate Minister of Energy and MPP, Bill Walker, said that investing in small businesses like this helps to foster job creation and economic growth in the region of Bruce-Grey Owen Sound as our province continues down the path of economic recovery. “This is huge for our community and for the sustainability of places like Paisley and what Abraflex is doing is truly significant and important. As Premier Ford likes to say, there is nothing small about small business. I want to thank OPG for trusting in this skilled workforce to provide protective wear for the nuclear sector as nuclear is the backbone of our electricity system.”
Walker also went on to stress the importance of the production of isotopes. “Through something like COVID-19, sterilization is paramount. I think this is an industry that will transcend and transform our province and our country globally.”
Abraflex President and CEO, John Bradley, said that the Abraflex team is honoured to be working with OPG in providing high-quality PPE and laundering services. “We appreciate OPG’s commitment to economic development by purchasing made-in-Ontario products and services. Four years ago we repurposed and refurbished this building and our staff are dedicated. Ten per cent of workforce is indigenous and we are committed to that. We want to thank OPG for this contract as its revenue pool helps us to remain sustainable.”
Bruce County Warden, Mitch Twolan thanked OPG’s commitment to Bruce County and the nuclear industry.
“The new hydrogen development industry will change things again in Bruce County and the county is fully supportive of companies like Abraflex,” said Twolan.