Port Elgin Legion Branch 340: Newsletter – August, 2024

Legion Pres. Bob Harrison

Summer seems to always be a slow time at the Branch. We understand that many are on holidays and also have family members visiting.

If all of our members and visitors would drop in just once a month, it would make a huge difference and allow us to stay open and profitable.  We are the voice of our veterans and, without your help, they will have no voice.

During the week, there is generally a very low number of patrons and we are barely breaking even with bar sales and expenses. Why not bring your visiting friends or family into the branch or to one of our BBQs for a fun family time?

We welcome Cde Don Lindhorst to our Executive team. Don has been an active member of the Branch supporting the Bingo program, BBQ events and other small maintenance projects.

We are sad to say good-bye to Brian Henderson as he is moving away from our community. Brian was a Past Executive member, Seniors Chair and helped with the BBQ program.

We are proceeding with our main sewer replacement in July and will be doing some of the work ourselves in order to lower the cost of this very expensive project. To find out more how you can help with this project, please contact me or leave your name and number with the Bar Steward.

Volunteers are also needed for the monthly events, so again, please leave your name and contact info at the Bar.

Have a great summer and please drop in for a visit.

President Robert Harrison

To read the August newsletter, CLICK HERE