In a report by South Bruce OPP, they have charged nine motorists with Drive on Closed Road.
For those who ignore road-closed signage, there is not only a fine but vehicle insurance is also null and void.
Once all the vehicles are removed, the plows can begin clearing the snow and treating the road.

Hwy. 21 remains closed from Owen Sound to Kincardine according to the latest update by Bruce County Road Reports.
If you plan on heading out today, remember that you may experience visibility issues with blowing snow.
In addition, Saugeen Shores Police officers have been responding to several calls in regard to stranded motorists on Bruce Road 3, The River Road, Side Road 18/19 and Bruce Road 40.
According to Police, if you find yourself stranded, please activate your hazard lights and contact a tow truck.
Officers will attempt to get to your location, but with weather hazards continuing and calls for service there could be a time delay.