By Southampton Rotary Youth Exchange Officer Dave Bertrand
On July 20th, Japanese Rotary Exchange student Rei Kaneda flies back home to Japan after a memorable year in our community. Rei definitely made her mark at SDSS, in Women’s fastball with the U17 Tara Twins, and in the community, where she spoke to Rotary clubs and organizations.
Rei finished her year in Canada with a trip to Newfoundland accompanying her current host family, Katie and James Rice, and host sisters Rachel and Emily.
In August, Southampton Rotary Club will be sponsoring MaryJane Klunder from Georgian Bluffs as she begins her Rotary Exchange year in Thailand.
M.J. spoke to Southampton Rotary on July 17th, and commended the District 6330 Rotary Youth Exchange team for the preparation they have provided to be a confident youth ambassador for Canada and for Rotary.
And finally, on August 28th, Southampton Rotary will be welcoming Lena Storath, a 17-year-old German exchange student, who will spend the year with three host families in our community and attend Saugeen District Senior School.
Rotary Youth Exchange’s goal is to promote world peace, one exchange at a time, and Rei certainly did her part as an excellent ambassador for Japan. M.J. and Lena will now pick up the torch.