Saugeen Shores staff member joins Senior Management Team

Jessica Linthorne will be joining the Town of Saugeen Shores Senior Management Team as Director, Strategic Initiatives. Jessica has worked for the Town for seven years in progressively more senior roles. Her current portfolio of Corporate Communications, Economic Development and Organizational Effectiveness will now include Tourism.

Jessica will also lead the Municipal Innovation Council on behalf of member organizations and she currently serves on the board of directors for the Nuclear Innovation Institute. She sits on the national board of the Economic Development Association of Canada and earned her Ec.D. professional designation this past year.

Jessica and her team have won multiple national awards over the past two years and continue to be a resource for municipal staff across the country. Jessica has presented at local and national events including most recently at the Municipal Communications Conference in Toronto and the Economic Developers Association of Canada Conference in Edmonton.

“Jessica is an extremely talented individual whose innovative approach to her responsibilities continues to ensure high-quality results. Being part of the Senior Management Team will assist us in preparing our organization for the future,” said David Smith, CAO. No additional staff will be hired to support this move.