Southampton Legion provides a financial boost for local school playground project

The community continues to support the playground revitalization project at G. C. Huston Public School in Southampton and headed up by Southampton Rotary Club.

Several local businesses and organizations have shown their commitment to the Huston Hawks students of the school with donations to help improve and replace much-needed equipment.

(L) Legion member Linda Shular, G. C. Huston Principal Hugh Morrison and Legion President Harry Mazmanian with students (L) River Voldt, Clara Mombourquette, Amelia Sutter-Martin                                                    & Eleanor Mombourquette
           Rotarians and students accept donation from Southampton Legion Branch 155 –                                (L) students River Voldt, Amelia Sutter-Martin, Eleanor and Clara Mombourqette ; (C) Legion                            member Linda Shular and Pres. Harry Mazmanian – for larger view click on image

Southampton Legion Branch 155 came forward on Friday, March 22nd with a donation of $5,000 presented to Southampton Rotarians, school Principal Hugh Morrison and students.

“Our branch is always happy to help with projects like this in our community,” said Legion Branch President Harry Mazmanian. “When member Linda Shular came up with the idea of donating to the school, we wholeheartedly agreed.”